PTAC's Audio Drama Series Podcast
PTAC's Audio Drama Series Podcast
Winter Poetry
Good morning! December is flying by. For our second episode of the month, we are so happy to share with you "Winter Poetry." Poems include: "Winter" by Walter de la Mare, "Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening," by Robert Frost, "The Fairy in Winter" by Walter de la Mare, "The Cremation of Sam McGee" by Robert Service, "A Winter's Tale" by D.H. Lawrence, "The Darkling Thrush" by Thomas Hardy, and "Winter" by Louisa May Alcott.
This episode was curated, directed, and edited by Gina Stanton, and features the vocal talents of Sam Steere, Amanda Booth, Phil Pineau, Gina Stanton, John Isabella III, Jenna Isabella, and Ken Shelby, making his PTAC debut!
We hope this short collection of winter themed poetry brings you peace and joy in these troubled times.
Listen on our website and wherever you already listen to your favorite podcasts: www.phoenixtheatreartsco.com/audio-drama-series
PTAC’s Audio Drama Series is a production by the Phoenix Theatre and Arts Company. Original PTAC music by Brian Sanyshyn. For a full listing of credits, visit us at phoenixtheatreartsco.com. While you’re there, please consider clicking the donate link. That would be delightful! Have comments or questions? Email us at phoenixtheatreartsco@gmail.com, or find us on social media!