PTAC's Audio Drama Series Podcast
PTAC's Audio Drama Series Podcast
The Mail Coach Passengers
Happy New Year! Join us in welcoming 2021 with Hans Christian Andersen's "The Mail Coach Passengers". This little known story from the famous author introduces twelve travelers who visit a town on New Year's Eve.
This episode was written by Hans Christian Andersen, adapted and directed by Amanda Booth, and edited by Gina Stanton. It features the vocal talents of Amanda Booth, Jenna Isabella, John Isabella III, Phil Pineau, Gina Stanton, and Sam Steere.
"The night was bitterly cold. The sky glittered with stars, and not a breeze stirred. It was New Year's Eve, and the church clock was striking twelve. "Hurrah! Hurrah!'' cried the people in the town - for in every house the New Year was being welcomed - and, as the clock struck, they stood up, full glasses in their hands, to drink success to the newcomer."
Listen on our website and wherever you already listen to your favorite podcasts: www.phoenixtheatreartsco.com/audio-drama-series
PTAC’s Audio Drama Series is a production by the Phoenix Theatre and Arts Company. Original PTAC music by Brian Sanyshyn. For a full listing of credits, visit us at phoenixtheatreartsco.com. While you’re there, please consider clicking the donate link. That would be delightful! Have comments or questions? Email us at phoenixtheatreartsco@gmail.com, or find us on social media!
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