PTAC's Audio Drama Series Podcast
PTAC's Audio Drama Series Podcast
The Secret Garden: Part 5
This week's episode will bring our Secret Garden saga to a conclusion. Don't miss the 5th and final part of: The Secret Garden, written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, adapted & directed by Jenna Isabella, and edited by Gina Stanton & Jenna Isabella. It features the vocal talents of: Amanda Booth, Gina Stanton, Devin Trager, Emma Burke-Covitz, Judy Brewster, Sean Latasa, John Isabella III, Ted Schwartz, Jasmine Canziani, and Jenna Isabella.
This episode is available on our website at www.phoenixtheatreartsco.com/audio-drama-series. PTAC’s Audio Drama Series is a production by the Phoenix Theatre and Arts Company. Original PTAC music by Brian Sanyshyn.
For a full listing of credits, visit us at phoenixtheatreartsco.com. While you’re there, please consider clicking the donate link. That would be delightful! Have comments or questions? Email us at phoenixtheatreartsco@gmail.com, or find us on social media!
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